Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays!

We're officially on vacation!! WOO HOO!! We're headed to Whistler tomorrow to ski for a week with Karl's family. We've been watching the snow report and we're due for a White Christmas so I can't wait! There's nothing like being on the slopes and skiing in the groves of trees at Christmas! We're all packed...4 bags...160 lbs worth of stuff ready to go. We'll be in SA the week after Xmas for Mema's 80th birthday bash and to see all my family. I can't wait! I feel like I haven't seen Riane, the new, crazy Brit, in forever!

We were so busy with work, etc, this year that I didn't send out Christmas cards this year (slacker, I know.) I hope everyone has a great holiday and rings in 2008 with lots of laughter and fun (and a drink in their hand ;) See ya in 2008!