The BEST show we've EVER seen. Hands down. Karl & I walked away from this show completely amazed at what we just saw. We didn't know what to expect going to the show other than all our friends who had been to a show highly recommended it. We went to
Kooza which is playing in San Fran right now. Their shows normally only play in bigger cities so we thought this would be the perfect chance to go check it out. We went in completely open-minded and didn't know what to expect. It was AMAZING. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might go see it but here's a little glimpse...

This was probably one of our favorite acts. The contortionists in this show will do things that you never thought humanly possible. All perfectly
choreographed to cool music too. I seriously thoughts these little person's spines were going to snap. At the end of this act, as our mouths were permanently dropped open, the girl basically lays down on her stomach and flips her entire body over itself and walks around her head on the ground..unreal. Very cool but we were thinking "OW!" the whole time.

The "wheel of death" was another one of our favorites. These dudes were just crazy and the main thing to point out on this act is there is no net to catch them if they were to fall...which one guy almost did. We were so glad to have taken advantage of Cirque being in town to experience our first show. We're now hooked and already looking up other Cirque shows to go see!