We're not going to talk about how it's been over a year since my last blog post..haha. Let's just say the last year has been a busy one. I was thrilled to finally decorate for Xmas this year in our new home for the first time! We we're officially in our new pad last Christmas but we left for Austria mid December so we didn't bother with a tree, deco, etc. So, this year- it was on!
Now that I have ALL of our stuff out here from our Austin home, I was able to unpack all my Xmas deco from over 4 years ago! It was like opening new presents all over again! So fun. I collect ornaments as we travel and unwrapping all of them and hanging them and finally hanging them was so fun! We tried to remember each place and where I picked them up along the way. I don't even know which one is my favorite--there are so many cool ones! My mom and I trade ornaments each year and Riane gave me some super cool ones all the way from London. This was the first time we've had them all on the tree!
I also started collecting village pieces to start a Xmas village and this was the first year I actually was able to set them up. I love my Irish pub and Gluhwein hut so far!
Happy holidays!

Double decker bus all the way from London from Riane- love it!
One of my all time favs from Tay in 2001 ;)
Now that I have ALL of our stuff out here from our Austin home, I was able to unpack all my Xmas deco from over 4 years ago! It was like opening new presents all over again! So fun. I collect ornaments as we travel and unwrapping all of them and hanging them and finally hanging them was so fun! We tried to remember each place and where I picked them up along the way. I don't even know which one is my favorite--there are so many cool ones! My mom and I trade ornaments each year and Riane gave me some super cool ones all the way from London. This was the first time we've had them all on the tree!
I also started collecting village pieces to start a Xmas village and this was the first year I actually was able to set them up. I love my Irish pub and Gluhwein hut so far!
Happy holidays!