I love fall. In Texas we would get all of three days of fall like weather and here it's fall weather 9 months of the year. But with the two gloomy, rainy days we had this week- I got in the fall mood! I uncovered all my fall home deco items, lit a few fall spiced candles, and dusted off my 'ol crockpot in preparation to try some new yummy stew recipes I found. And, of course as with every new season that rolls around I went on my quarterly Michael's extravaganza! I sort of lose it in that place. I mean like, stay for hours on a Sunday, slowly walking up and down every aisle staring, making friends along the way, lose it. I arrive armed with a Starbucks, grab a basket and case the place. This year I had a pretty specific agenda. I wanted to make a couple fall wreaths. If you know Michael's you know that the place is always busting at the seams with stuff for holidays coming up in the next 3-4 months. Fall & halloween stuff? forgettaboutit. So old news. Even though neither has really occurred. Anything fall themed, Halloween themed and evenly remotely non-Christmas is currently 50% off. Score! I'm pretty sure the place is getting ready for Easter right now.
So, in the end (read: as the lights were going out, the check out ladies were watching me, Karl calls and reminds me that he does indeed need to eat dinner and I had to finally check out) I got exactly what I wanted and was able to whip up these two puppies for...wait for it. A total of.......$20! Inspired by a few fall wreaths I had seen on various websites, catalogs, etc., I think they turned out pretty well. Our home sure is fall cozy now!

The cute wreath my Mom got me a few years ago for our hallway mirror. Love it!

And the vase my Dad got me for my birthday full of fall flowers :)