Sunday, December 2, 2007

December Already?!

Karl & I had a pretty relaxing weekend this weekend. I can't believe this will be our second Christmas in SF already. Time really flies. We decided since we'd be gone for almost two weeks over Christmas and New Year's we should get our Christmas tree this weekend so we could enjoy it! (a real tree, of course) We walked down to Polk Street to the neighborhood hardware store and had all of 4 trees to choose from. Being in the middle of the city they could only display what they could fit on a tiny piece sidewalk in front of their store. Anyway, we found the perfect sized tree! It's about 4 feet tall and with the new star topper I found, about four and half. Karl lugged it all the way up our big hill up to our apartment and it's perfect!

We set it up right in front of our big window in the living room so you can see it from the street, which seems to be what everyone does here. It's pretty cool driving around the city to see all different sized trees all lit up in windows. We had fun getting into the Christmas spirit decorating our tree with lights and ornaments we've collected in California over the past year and a half. I actually have a Christmas box started here, which surprised Karl. I don't why since this is my FAVORITE holiday :) We have a whopping 8 ornaments some of which are almost as big as the tree! We have a couple from our trips to Disneyland, a couple from Napa and of course a Nutcracker from when we went to the SF Ballet we went to last year. The decorating wouldn't be complete without my cowboy boot stockings my mom sent us last year which I love!

While I was decorating around the apartment Karl was completely content with his cup of eggnog watching the Harry Potter marathon that's been on all weekend. I had to run to the store to get eggnog and as I was pulling out of our garage, I confirmed if you looked up at our apt from the street you can see our tree in the window. Yey! I LOVE Christmas time and even though we miss putting up lights on our home and a big tree with our collection of ornaments, we love Christmas time in the city!