I haven't blogged in a while since I've been a away for a few weeks. I just got back from biking through Ireland for 2 weeks and then went to visit Riane in London for a week. Ireland was absolutely gorgeous and very green! The biking part wasn't too tough but wasn't that easy either. We did about 30 miles a day with stops to sight see and lunch along the way. I was a little nervous since I haven't really biked since my triathlon a couple years ago but we all did great and tackled the hills just fine.

We biked in the pouring rain a couple of days which was actually pretty fun because we weren't cold and we dressed for it. We lucked out towards the end of the tour with some sunny, gorgeous days. We learned two things: Ireland is NOT flat and the wind can be killer, especially when you're biking in it! We even had to abort one afternoon ride one day due to gale force winds that were knocking us over as we rode along the coast. Craziness! It was an amazing trip. Our bike tour company planned awesome routes and chose amazing bed & breakfasts to stay at each night. The Irish people were so welcoming and very friendly. Thanks to our bike tour guide who was from Ireland, we had a truly Irish experience while we were there. We also toured around on our own via car for about 5 days and saw almost the entire west coast of Ireland by the time we left. We're ready for the Italy bike trip next...uh, I think.
Riane and I had so much fun in London! She did a great job of showing me around. We walked alot and I got to see where she hangs out and meet all her friends. We saw two plays and had a blast together just walking around the city. I was so happy to be there for her 20th birthday! We went to this awesome little restaurant for her birthday lunch called Archipelago and we ate crocodile and kangaroo! Both were actually really good. We decided to pass on the locust salad and the chocolate scorpion though. I miss you Ri!
I had a chance to play around with my camera alot on this trip and came home to realize I took a total of 1600 pictures! I am in the process of uploading them and will post a link to view soo...so stay tuned!
One picture while you wait :)