Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day!

This has to be one of the best Valentine's Days of my entire life. Karl told me that he was going to cook dinner for me on Valentine's Day! He said I didn't have to worry about a single thing and he would even be grocery shopping for everything he needed and had the menu all picked out. Last year we were somewhat disappointed after making restaurant reservations and eating a set menu of just so-so food after waiting and waiting. This year we decided it would be much more fun to stay home together and cook. Little did I know Karl could make the BEST Veal Saltimboca I've EVER had!! I was very impressed how the dinner turned out and there was even a side dish- asparagus and tomatoes salad. Everything was delish! I also got a beautiful dozen roses delivered to me at work so Karl did great and made me feel like a very special wife! Here are some pictures of the cooking King and his delectable meal!

The Chef hard at work!