Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Congrats Mr & Mrs Sergio Resendez!

It was sure hard to leave Austin after such a fun weekend celebrating Reagan & Serg and such perfect weather! I couldn't resist getting a couple pictures up on the blog for now but rest assured all 900 my mom & I took will be up this weekend after I edit them all.

We had such a great time and everything went off perfectly. I remember Reagan telling me at the end of the night that this was the night she had dreamed about for so long she couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding dancing with her friends and family. I miss you Rae- but I know you & Serg are soaking up the sun and finally relaxing!!

Hey, that's not Karl! (Matron of Honor and Best Man shot with the newlyweds.) One of my favorites! This is the only shot Reagan wanted, in front of the UT Tower,
and I know she'll be happy to see how great it turned out!