Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome Baby Maren!

And, finally! A baby girl to go with all these little boys born lately!
Maren Eleanor was born yesterday to Karl's cousin & his wife. Congrats Jeb & Jenny!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Missing my ladies!

I was so sad I couldn't be at Nicole and Marco's Casino Shower with everyone this weekend in Texas :( Looking at all the pics of my ladies makes me miss them even more! After almost 20 years of being friends everyone still looks great and I still see us dorky 5th graders walking down the halls at Woodridge! I can't wait to party with everyone in Guatemala for Nicole & Marco's wedding in just 4 weeks!! Love and miss yall!


We welcome to the world our new baby friends! March & April have been fun months with all the new babies born! 3 for 3 on boys...wow! Still waiting on the 4th...Karl's cousin is due any day now and we don't know what it is yet. The hardest part of seeing all these babies is that I can't hold them being so far away! Hopefully, we'll get to meet Mac & Jack this summer in New York!

Welcome Oliver!
Parents: Ian & Carolyn
(Austin friends)

Welcome Jack!
Parents: Matt & Amy
(AXA '00 baby!)

Welcome Mac!
Parents: Nate & Gina
(AXA '00 Baby!)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Austin City Limits

We just bought our 3 day tickets to ACL and we're so excited! The line-up looks awesome and I think the entire weekend is worth it just so I can see Neko Case- my all time favorite! I've missed her in Austin and San Francisco both times she's played so I can't wait to see her live. (If you listen to our music on the blog you've heard my favorite song by here.) All the bands look awesome and we're going to brave standing the Austin heat for 3 days straight once again!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The pictures are up!

Ok, it only took 3 full days to upload over 850 pictures my mom & I took over Reagan & Serg's wedding weekend but... here they are! So many good ones and of course, such a gorgeous bride and handsome groom to photograph! Congrats you two!

Rehearsal & Rehearsal Dinner

Wedding Reception

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Congrats Mr & Mrs Sergio Resendez!

It was sure hard to leave Austin after such a fun weekend celebrating Reagan & Serg and such perfect weather! I couldn't resist getting a couple pictures up on the blog for now but rest assured all 900 my mom & I took will be up this weekend after I edit them all.

We had such a great time and everything went off perfectly. I remember Reagan telling me at the end of the night that this was the night she had dreamed about for so long she couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding dancing with her friends and family. I miss you Rae- but I know you & Serg are soaking up the sun and finally relaxing!!

Hey, that's not Karl! (Matron of Honor and Best Man shot with the newlyweds.) One of my favorites! This is the only shot Reagan wanted, in front of the UT Tower,
and I know she'll be happy to see how great it turned out!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ready for Austin!

I leave tomorrow to go back to the promised land!! Haha! I'm headed "home" to Austin for Reagan's wedding and can't wait to dig out my shorts and flops and eat lots of Mexican food while I can! I report in for MOH duty at 5pm Thursday when my plane lands. We will kick off the weekend with margaritas and massages...we can't WAIT! I'm also counting on a direct flight from SFO to ATX to write me Maid of honor speech...yes, I have waited until the last minute to put the final draft together. I am not too worried though as Rae and I have many, many crazy stories I can draw from after being friends for 19 years!! I can't believe it. I tell her it's so strange to think I've know her longer than one of my own sisters who was born when we were in 7th grade!

I've spent the last two weeks creating a DVD slideshow to music of her growing up and a section for Serg and the last section of them together. After the wedding I might ask them if I can create a link to a web version of it to show it off. I'm very proud of how it turned out! Reagan said she wanted it to make people cry and I promise they will ;)

I'm planning on taking my new camera and hopefully getting some cute shots of all of us girls getting ready in the suite before the wedding. I had my photographer in the room for my wedding and some of the shots were so candid and turned out great. And, it will give me practice shooting with my new toy.

Texas here I come...I'm procrastinating on the packing, can you tell. 11pm and I'm writing this. Next time I write the new Resendez' will be away in Mexico laying on the beach. I'm so jealous!
Love ya'll!