Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Last night Karl and I had just sat down to eat dinner and we were sitting in the living room eating on the couch and I felt a slight rumble but I always think it's someone in the apartment above us like jumping around so didn't really think anything of it. But, then it got alot stronger and I heard all the dishes and glasses in our kitchen rattle around in the cabinet...Karl and I both just looked at each other like what do we do? We really should look up what to do in case of a major one but we just sat there looking around until it was over. It was reported to be a 5.6 so definitely one of the bigger ones since we've been in SF. Karl would like me to mention this is the biggest quake that's hit SF since the big one in 1989. I've only felt a few smaller ones and but once this summer Karl woke up in the middle of the night and felt the biggest one yet where our entire building (15 floor high rise) was swaying back and forth. Let's just say I'm glad I was in Texas visiting my family and didn't get to experience that one..I would have freaked out! Anyway, we're safe...just a little entertainment on a Tuesday night in SF.