Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Last night Karl and I had just sat down to eat dinner and we were sitting in the living room eating on the couch and I felt a slight rumble but I always think it's someone in the apartment above us like jumping around so didn't really think anything of it. But, then it got alot stronger and I heard all the dishes and glasses in our kitchen rattle around in the cabinet...Karl and I both just looked at each other like what do we do? We really should look up what to do in case of a major one but we just sat there looking around until it was over. It was reported to be a 5.6 so definitely one of the bigger ones since we've been in SF. Karl would like me to mention this is the biggest quake that's hit SF since the big one in 1989. I've only felt a few smaller ones and but once this summer Karl woke up in the middle of the night and felt the biggest one yet where our entire building (15 floor high rise) was swaying back and forth. Let's just say I'm glad I was in Texas visiting my family and didn't get to experience that one..I would have freaked out! Anyway, we're safe...just a little entertainment on a Tuesday night in SF.

Monday, October 29, 2007

My new project....

Check out our new website! I decided, after seeing so many of my friends use Blogger, that I would check it out. Turns out it rocks! It is SO much easier to use, as with all Google products, and it was alot easier than Wordpress to do simple formatting, posting, etc. we are!

Keep checking back for updates!

Sonoma Camping Farewell...

We decided to go camping in Sonoma this weekend since the weather was great for camping and probably the last weekend before it gets too cold to camp. This is my favorite time of year to camp in Napa since the vineyards are blankets of bright red, and orange & yellow up & down the hills.

We did our usual bike ride to about 4 wineries along our route and took pictures as we went. It ended up being perfect weather- upper 70s during the day and it was in the upper 40s that night-brrr..but it was cozy so we bundled up and sat by the fire.

It's funny because back at the campsite Karl used his nifty little head lamp he bought for his guys camping weekend in Catalina Island and it turned out to be super handy while we were roasting hot dogs and making s'mores. Yum! I had to take a picture of him with it on because it was cracking me up! We're going to miss camping and bike riding up in Sonoma but we'll be back!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Taylor visits!

I was so happy this weekend when Tay came to stay with us for 3 nights and even got to play hooky from school on Friday so we could hang out in SF! We ate lunch at Google and we pigged out! Tay had steak and pork and mashed potatoes and then we had lots of little yummy desserts ;) Friday night we found a really good Dim Sum restaurant and we pigged out again on lots of little dumplings and eggrolls. (yes, all we do is eat here in SF..hence the running at least 45 minutes a day!) Saturday, we had so much fun running across the Golden Gate bridge. We ran the whole way across and back- 3.6 miles! We had awesome clear weather so the views were awesome. We shopped all day Saturday and had yummy calamari in North Beach for lunch. Then, we hung out down in Union Square and went into all the big, huge stores that in a normal city are one floor and in Union Square they are like 4-5 levels. We were worn out! Then, Karl took us out to North Beach for YUMMY veal picatta that we love! The waiter must have thought Tay was alot older than she is because he even poured her a glass of wine! (which of course Karl and I helped her drink instead ;) Sunday we took a walk down to Crissy Field and took lots of pictures of the bridge and us on the beach. There were sooo many dogs chasing balls and playing in the water, it was fun to watch. We even spotted two sea lions playing around near the shore that we thought were dogs! It was a short but sweet trip
...I miss you & love ya lots Tay Tay!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I could get use to this! picture for bigger view

During my break I have had so much fun visiting my friends' new babies! These 3 kiddos were born all within 4 weeks of each other and are so so sweet! My friend Sophie from work had Baby Katlynn, Leah from work had Christian and Sara, my friend in SF, had baby Olivia. They have been my lunch buddies and we've had so much fun visiting. I could definitely hold these little people all day long!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Fest

The sun never came out and it was chilly as we walked around Half Moon Bay's Pumpkin Fest this year with some friends, but we bundled up and had fun. The pumpkin winner this year weighed in at 1384 lbs! Since they guard this veggie dearly and block all views from photographers (hoping you'll pay the $12 to pose in the tent with it) we weren't able to take a picture but I did get a picture of the 2nd place winner and an artist carved a huge face on it which was cool! We are still having nice and sunny weather in SF so this weekend we tried to enjoy while we can. Saturday morning Karl & I ran from our apt. to the Embarcadero, past the Ferry Building, to right underneath the Bay Bridge- 3 1/2 miles! Then, ran back to the Ferry Building for some lunch along the water @ Mijita taco stand. While the tacos definitely aren't Las Palapas they are good & cheap!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Pine Ridge Winery Lobster Fest!

We had so much fun at our first Pine Ridge Winery Lobster Fest! Our winery does its famous Lobster Fest once a year for members only, so we had to experience this first hand. What a feast! We each got an apron, which came in very handy during the feast. We arrived to appetizers being served all around in the gardens and patio with wine pairings. We had grilled lamb and hanger steak skewers, prosciutto wrapped figs stuffed with blue cheese and oysters from an oyster bar with special sauces. We were then escorted to the long tables where the lobster feast was to be served.

We stood back and the cooks ran down the tables and poured out buckets of yummy food! Lobster, shrimp, potatoes, garlic, onions, artichokes...yum! We dug in with our hands! Everything was amazing! Lots of butter and garlic...yum! We were then taken to the patio again for dessert- tiramisu paired with the new release of Malbec wine- first in 10 years. Yum!! We were very happy to have experienced the famous Lobster Fest just a drive away from our home in San Francisco.

...very serious work!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Class of '97 Reunion

We had a blast in SA for our 10 yr high school times! & my girls...friends for almost 16 years now!